Monday, March 7, 2016

Out of Hibernation

Hello Appalachia!

     It's been a (long) while since my last post, and I've let the MountainBlood aspect of my life lie pretty dormant. As far as explanations go, I was busy finishing up my last semester of school. I don't include much of my personal life, but I am going to announce that I now have a degree in Forensic Chemistry from Marshall University. The post-graduation job hunt is a special kind of hell, and I could probably dedicate a blog to that, but we're here to talk about Appalachia, so let's do that.

     My time left in the Mountain State is unknown because of the aforementioned job hunt, but I'm not going to let it get me down since I get most of content through the participation of my wonderful readers. I'm going to make a few adjustments and tweaks to how I run this blog. The first one is a change I'm still trying to figure out, but I have a created a "like" page for MountainBlood WV. Now you can just hit the like button to get blog updates and interactions, and this allows new readers to join the MountainBlood community immediately instead of waiting for me to approve a friend request. So, if you're new here or haven't already done so, please go to and hit that thumbs up button.
     Another alteration is going to be to the Featured Appalachian column. I initially was doing a monthly post about a Featured/Remembered Appalachian, but unless I can get more people to participate, it will be posted as I get new information instead of trying to scramble and throw one together each month.
     Lastly, I would like to thank the 260+ readers that stuck around during my hiatus, and everyone that reads my blog at all. For a lot of these posts, I'm just putting a pen to paper, and the readers participating deserve the credit for what goes on here. I love your stories and interactions, and your submissions help keep this mountain tale going. Please don't ever hesitate to get in touch on here, on the Facebook page, or at, because if you have a story, I want to help you get it out there.

Thank you all for reading and supporting and sharing the Appalachian tale. Keep an eye for new posts in the upcoming weeks.